Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Thoughts

* I claimed yesterday as my last totally-calm-no-schoolwork day (except for my b'day) between now and the LSAT. Took a nap. Read a fiction book. Only problem is that last night I was up until 1am. Stayed up too late reading the book and then couldn't fall asleep because of my previously wonderful nap.

* This morning, everything I was worried about forgetting, I did in fact forget. Thankful for a roommate who is at the apt. and coming up to school later.

* On days when it is raining like this, I am very thankful that all of my classes are in the same building. Also, I might be an evil person because I like sitting on the second floor and watching all of the people running in the ran. Rather entertaining.

* I saw someone on campus today wearing a FL!P shirt.....weird

Friday, October 23, 2009


This little girl is one of my favorite people in the world. I've watched her grow from the little baby who I pushed in a stroller up and down our street the day her family moved (the first time) as she screamed and screamed to the little girl who reads and runs and talks and plays...2nd graders are so grown up! Tonight I got to spend time not only with my family, but with her family as well. I could not have asked for a better Friday night. It began with her and I playing on photo booth on my computer (thus, this's our suprised face in case you were wondering) and it ended with her falling asleep in my lap while we watched a movie with everyone else. Best Friday night of the school year. Love you sweet girl.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Let's play a game...

So I'm reading for my "Women in American History" class and it is talking about men and women in Frontier America. And I thought of a question....and I want to hear y'alls answers just because it's fun :)

(Mom, after I asked a friend this a few minutes ago I realized that this is something you would totally do to us, ask us random questions and make us answer have taught me well :)...)

Here are the questions, answer them in the comments section:

1) If you lived in America during the time when the West was being settled would you want to live in the East (the states) in a city that was settled or would you want to move West and settle a new part of the country? (there is no correct answer...curious to hear people's thoughts)

2) Of those who choose to go West, some left their families in the safety of the East while they went to build a house and make sure things are safe while others brought their families along
with them. If you are a guy, which would you do, leave your family or bring them with you? If you are a girl, which would you want to do, hold down the homefront or go build a new home?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Leap of Faith

I just registered to take the LSAT.

Not really sure how I should feel right now. But, I do know that I am excited to see how the Lord uses this, even if it is in ways that I don't expect. This is me waiting, seeking, trusting and following.

Let the journey continue.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


He who has called is faithful to bring about His work to completion.

I wait.

I seek.

I trust.

I follow.