Thursday, October 22, 2009

Let's play a game...

So I'm reading for my "Women in American History" class and it is talking about men and women in Frontier America. And I thought of a question....and I want to hear y'alls answers just because it's fun :)

(Mom, after I asked a friend this a few minutes ago I realized that this is something you would totally do to us, ask us random questions and make us answer have taught me well :)...)

Here are the questions, answer them in the comments section:

1) If you lived in America during the time when the West was being settled would you want to live in the East (the states) in a city that was settled or would you want to move West and settle a new part of the country? (there is no correct answer...curious to hear people's thoughts)

2) Of those who choose to go West, some left their families in the safety of the East while they went to build a house and make sure things are safe while others brought their families along
with them. If you are a guy, which would you do, leave your family or bring them with you? If you are a girl, which would you want to do, hold down the homefront or go build a new home?


Jan said...

I would stay east - but I would have a really big house and all the woman folk who didn't want to head west with their men folk could stay with me. Their young'uns would be there too, of course. We'd sit on the porch, churn butter, make pretty things, and teach the kids. The house would smell really good too, cause we would take turns cooking - all that baked bread - yum. Of course the letters would come and the women folk would leave with their young 'uns to head west to be with their men folk. Fun times.

Caroline said...


erin said...

I love your new background . . . I think it may inspire me to find a new one too!
Okay, I was a total Laura Ingalls Wilder nerd as a kid and really, really wanted to be a pioneer (go figure, I grew up in Nebraska) . . . but now that I am grown up and enjoy the finer things in life (like plumbing and shopping), I don't think I would have been able to hack it in the wild west.