Friday, June 6, 2008

End of Lee University week 1

Greetings from Birmingham!

Today, we wrapped up our last week of camp, loaded out, drove three hours to Birmingham (I slept the entire way :-) ), loaded yet MORE stuff into our trucks for the next few weeks of camp, headed to our hotel and then ate fantastic Mexican food for supper. Now, I sit here in my hotel room (my roomate for the next two nights isn't back yet) and am enjoying the peace and quiet.

Tomorrow, we have one of our very few days off and I plan on enjoying it to the fullest. I will get more than 5 hours of sleep, do some housing work (which I don't mind cause I get to do it in my PJ's) and then head to a minor league baseball game. We leave on Sunday and drive from here to SFASU in Nacodoches (sp?) Texas for our second camp where we are expecting around 1500 people. It is also there that I will get to see my family which I am VERY happy about!

This first week was a great week. For the majority of our team, this is the first week of camp EVER for us to be staff. Lots of us (the majority in fact) have never worked for SL before. This had made for some rough patches as we figure out what in the world we are doing but our team has fantastic leadership who do a great job of teaching us how to do our job. Without them, we would be a mess.

Well, I think I'm going to go read a book because I can :-)

Grace and Peace!
Michelle, Alyssa and me at a mall in Tennessee two nights before camp started.


Jan said...

So, I just gotta know...what book did you read? ;-) Mom

Lisa said...

never did get to read....went and played cards with friends instead...