Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And so it continues....

So there has been a request for me to update my blog so here it goes.....A lot of this you guys already know but I included a few stories that I don't know if I have told anyone.

Once the summer was over I had less than 24 hours until I headed back to school for RA Training. When I got to HBU, the RA's that work in my housing area were in the middle of a meeting with Erin (our RD) about programming. I sat right down, hadn't even brought in my stuff from the car yet and thus, my 2nd year as an RA had begun. :-)

The girls on my hall are fantastic. I decorated my hall in polka-dots and, I think it looked really cute if I may say so myself. I have about 33 girls (the number has gone up and down this semester).

For my birthday weekend I went to Birmingham, Alabama to see my friends from the summer (19 of the 24 of us were there). That saturday was my 20th b'day and my boss from this summer, Graham's wedding. The night before my b'day and the wedding, a bunch of us went to eat at a Mexican food restaurant. All summer long, everyone sang happy birthday to me most everytime went out to eat. Well, they actually got to sing happy birthday to me on my actual (well, the night before at least) birthday! Oh the irony.....

The next morning a few of us go up and went to Oak Mountain State Park. It was beautiful, fabulous and....actually fall!!! The leaves were beautiful colors and the weather was fantastic! What a perfect place to spend my 20th birthday!

That night was the wedding which was beautiful! Yummy food, fun dancing and just being with friends that I love and miss was great. At one point that night I was walking across the room with my friend Jessica and we both just looked at each other and smiled. Her and I both agreed that it was great to be just walking across the room with each other. It was also really fun just to get all dressed up....let's just say, after seeing everyone in shorts and camp t-shirts all summer, my team cleans up nice :-)

I'm really ready for Christmas break....I want to do lots of reading, movie watching and, of course, sleeping. If you guys have any suggestions on books that I should read (I'm up for anything except for a weird sci fi stuff). In fact, if you are reading a book, I would love to read it too and then get together for coffee/tea/pie with you and discuss it! One thing I really want to do is go see a movie alone while I am in Conroe....sounds like fun to me!!!

May Christ always be at the center of our mind and lives, especially during this holiday season.
