Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Promised Land?!?

Two camps in Durango, Colorado really skew your view of "good weather." Doing camp literally on top of a mountain is quite lovely. Doing camp in Shawnee, Oklahoma is....like doing any other camp, really hot. We got here on saturday, loaded in on sunday and started camp on monday.

A few things....

First of all, a funny (well, not so funny to me) story for all of your delight. On saturday, my team went out to eat Mexican food for supper. While there, I, of course, spilt my drink. Right after that, I felt something on my head....it turned out to be a large sombrero. At first I though "what is going on?!?! do they do something really cruel and mean to people who spill their drinks?!?) and then, I saw that a group of people were standing behind me. This guy asked my name and then how old I was turning. I wouldn't answer him so someone else did. They then proceeded to start singing happy birthday to me.  All I could do was repeatedly mouth to my team that I would kill them all. I, of course, turned as red as the salsa. Then the next day, at Chili's for lunch, I see all of the waiter's walking out and I was like "no way!" not again but...oh yes...they come over and sing happy birthday to me again. THEN! Yesterday! on Reg day (my stressful crazy day) while we are in line for supper they all start singing it again! and everyone in line joins in! The only problem is....MY BIRTHDAY IS IN NOVEMBER! So, I have come up with something.....they can sing happy birthday all that they want to but....they must start to give me presents! (Though, that does scare me just a bit :-)

So, we are now doing camp in Oklahoma. It is hot. My camp director, Graham, went to school at the campus we are on (Oklahoma Baptist University) and kept referring to it as "the promised land." Though we like where we are staying and the fact that there are comfy couches and a TV in our office, it is def. not the promised land.

Off I go.....grace and peace!


Jan said...

Happy Birthday to You...I hope everything is going well and you are enjoying your free birthday desserts.

Shane said...

I can see calling it the promised land. But my dad's from Oklahoma so I'm a tad biased. It was incredibly hot though. And that didn't stop it from being an awesome experience. And you did an excellent job with everything.