Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Welcome to Fort Lewis

9 states in 2 days
25 hours of traveling
2 dramamine

what does this add up to?


So we finished up two camps at Lee University, celebrated the 4th of July, didn't sleep much, ate yucky food, loaded out and drove for two days. We spent the night at Fort Smith, Arkansas and then got up and drove some more. We got to Fort Lewis College around 11:30pm mountain time and started grabbing our blankets because....it was kinda chilly! That's right...after week after week of humidity, we are now going to do 2 camps on the top of a mountain. While waiting for our keys last night a bunch of us curled up in our blankets and lied down on the parking lot and looked at all the stars (thought of you mom....knew you would be proud). It was crazy how many we could see.

The dorms we are staying in don't have a/c which I have heard can be a bit of a drag during the day but that means at night we sleep with our windows open. I woke up this morning feeling like I was camping except my bed was comfortable and I didn't have any bug bites...it was glorious!

Well, I'm now off to straighten my hair (which will actually stay straight here!) and then off to eat lunch and begin load in.

Grace and peace!


Unknown said...

Durango.....I'm so jealous!! Enjoy the wonderful blue sky and the cool air. Wish I was there too! T.

Jan said...

Yeah for star watching and open windows...I'm on my way :-)

Jan said...

drink lots of water young lady,and make sure to drink lots of water,and dont forget to drink lots of water.and while im thinking of it drink lots of water.
your awesome.love dad

Shane said...

Glad to hear things are going so well. And I remember Durango as being very nice. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.