Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lee University

Hello all!!

Greetings from Lee University in Tennessee! We have loaded in our camp office and are loading in the worship room tomorrow. For those who are wondering what exactly my job is this summer it is as follows....I take the schematics of the dorms we will be using and figure out where all the people in our database are going to stay. Then I e-mail the lists to the Youth Ministers and wait for changes to come in and take care of them. I also am in charge of name tags (with the help of my team since this week we are doing 1185 name tags.) There are a few other things I will be doing throughout the summer but those are the biggest two. Camp starts on monday of this week so today and tomorrow are a bit of "off days" though we are still doing some work.

I'm really ready for camp to start and cannot wait to see how God is going to move this summer!

Off to do laundry I go!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Training Week

Hello friends! I am still at training week! It is going great so far. God has really blessed me with a fantastic team who I really enjoy being around. I am working hard learning how to do my job (housing is crazy but oddly fun). On the first day (sunday...the day I flew in and then began training) I typed up my thoughts from the day and what all had gone on that day and I thought I would share it with you.

"Today began at 5:00am, was at the airport  around 6:20 and once I shuffeled a few things aroundso that one of my two bags was not over the limit of 50lbs and then went to the right terminal, made my way through security, found my fate, got sprite and a muffin, alked back to my gate just as they began loading. The flight was fairly uneventfl, especially condidering that it was my first time flying alone. Though i did get sick on the plane and the fact that my ears were still popping 5 hours alter. Once I got my luggage I found the SL van (or rather, they found me) and we picked up the rest of the airport people we were off the the SL office. Honestly, being att he SL office waiting for training week to really begin was the most overwhelming part of the day. There were TONS of people all looking around at each other's name tags hoping to find more people with the same color name tag. Though it was overwhelming, it was great to finally meeeting the people who had just been a name, face and some words on facebook. After a quick meeting and lunch we were off the Shocco Springs where we would spend training week. The ride was quiet att imes, but I really enjoyed getting to know some of the people a litte better. Once we arrived and got into our rooms, the day REALLY began. This day, as will the rest of the week, held lots of meetings. I really enjoyed some of the, my favorites being the teaming meetings where people take turns telling about themselves and the meeting where we learned about how to use MAC computers (even though this meeting was from 9-10 that night, about which time all of the office staff was falling asleep). So now, as I sit on my bed and refelct back over today there are two moments in particular that really stick out in my head. The first took place on the airplane before ite ven began to taxi. I sat there and just thought "What am I doing?!?! I don't know how to do this job! I don't know these people! I'm going to travel across the US (literally)  and I get car sick!" After I thought these things all I could do was sit and rest in peace that God is in control. He uses us in ways that we don't think we can be used. And as He taught me when I was applying for this job, He knows what I need and will supply accordingly. My second highlight of the day was much more peaceful and invovled much less freaking out :-). During out second Orange Team meeting I couldn't help but looking around at the circle and be thankful. I am so very thankful for my team. Though I don't know the well, I think I have been able to talk to almost every member today at least at some point and I am so excited about getting to know them, being a member of their family for the summer, being their friend for a long time and serving and stretching alongside of them this summer. Indeed, God is in control."

Sorry for all the typos...don't have time to fix to lunch!
Grace and Peace!

Grace and Peace!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Finals have ended and I have spent the past few days at home relaxing and getting ready to leave on Sunday for 13 weeks of camp. Many of you have asked about sending me letters etc. this summer. To answer the most common questions, yes you can send me mail and here is how you do that!

If you are sending me a letter, mail it to...
Lisa Lund
Orange Team
P.O. Box 36040
Birmingham, AL 35236

If you are sending a package you will need to send it to the location that I am currently at. E-mail me and I can let you know where I am and what the address is.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


*So today was the last day of classes of my sophomore year which means I am almost halfway done with by undergrad. degree....crazy
*4 finals and 16 moveouts until I am done for the year.
*I found out yesterday that the computers in the camp office are MACs :-)
*I went to the beach was really fun.
*I absolutly am so excited about this summer and yet, I am also really looking forward to a few days home with my family.
*My brothers both went to a formal tonight and they were so handsome in their pics that it almost made me cry. They have grown up into such handsome young men!

This was short, I know, but I must get some sleep


Monday, May 5, 2008

Intro...3 weeks til bham

Hello All!

Well, most of you know that this summer I will be working for Student Life Camp's Orange Team as their housing coordinator. I thought I would set this blog up so that I can keep you guys up-to-date with everything that is going on as I get ready to leave, and most exciting, as I spend the summer serving with my team.

For those of you that did not know that I will be working for SL this summer....I will be leaving May 25th at 7:37am in the morning and spend a fantastic summer with amazing people and will fly back into Houston on the evening of August 11th. If you want to know more...then just ask!

I ask one thing of you....that this summer, you will cover me and my team in prayer. As time goes on I will have more specific 'prayer requests' but for now, pray for us as we individually pack (yikes!) and as we prepare to meet together for our first time as a team and that when we do meet, the Lord will draw us together.

Grace and Peace,